Dipl.- Ing. H.-G. Kartini GmbH
Am Vogelherd 3
D-93149 Nittenau

+49 9436 1878

Board Testing Machines

 ​ ​DE

Machine types: Bondcheck and Labrob

Kartini GmbH manufactures the two machine types Bondcheck and Labrob for the quality control of particle/chipboards, MDF, OSB or similar board types.

The Bondcheck is an automatic machine intended to test the main quality criteria of the board just produced. It enables the operation personnel to check the board's quality by themselves in an easy and useful way rapidly optimizing the current production.

The Bondcheck tests 50 mm wide boards and performs the Internal Bond, the Density and the MOR/MOE    

The Labrob is a laboratory test device which performs the tests according to the European test standards. Here the test samples have to be inserted and removed manually.

For both machines the measurement results are displayed, statistically evaluated, graphically processed and stored in a history for further evaluations or data transfer to a host system (export).


L abrob

Test programs

BondCheck and Labrob are controlled with the help of the PC application “KartCheck”. The user interface can be displayed in several languages (even in non-latin characters). 
After selecting the program in the centre column (depending on the machine equipment), the parameters on the right can be adapted if necessary before starting the program. 
The parameters can be named freely and specified in quantity and order. The measurement results (HISTORY) can be displayed at any time and, if necessary, exported to a host system.

PC- Application KartCheck for controlling, displaying and managing the measurement results

Statistical evaluations

The results are presented in tables and diagrams (MS Excel required). A set of Excel Macros allows the generation of diagrams (block and line diagrams, including trendlines and deviation from average value) and long-term overviews.

Results display after test run

Diagram of Density values with trend line

Long-term development of production quality

Force-displace​ment diagram (MOE)


Benefits with the use of Bondcheck and KartCheck